

This site is for anyone. But we want to help people who have traditionally been left out of the financial world and unfortunately even discriminated against.

On average, women earn less than their male counterparts for doing similar work. This is called the gender pay gap. And the gap is even larger for women of color.1

We want to do something about that. We believe in the power of education.

For centuries, men have been privileged to invest in the markets. We believe that women and people of color should have the same access to this information. They should be able to earn income while they’re sleeping (passive income).

Currently, investing in cryptocurrency is volatile. But we believe this could be an avenue for gradually earning passive income. This is not a get rich quick scheme.


We are a couple committed to social justice. We'd like to share our knowledge, research and skills and help disadvantaged people learn about investing in cryptocurrency.

We named the company a2MoneyWorks because we live in Ann Arbor (AA). But more importantly we were looking for a heroine and found her in Abigail Adams.

Abigail was an intellectual, provided for the needy and helped lead our nation as it was just standing up. John Adams (the U.S. second president) was her husband.

She advocated against slavery, and she believed in equal rights for women and men. She also managed her family home and finances while her husband was often away.2

1. NPR, 1A, April 19, 2022
2. National Parks Service, https://www.nps.gov/adam/learn/historyculture/abigail-adams-1744-1818.htm